A few weeks ago, Kristi invited us to London to show us how she and her family live car free. Using a Babboe E-cargo, Kristi is able to take her three kids to school, do the shopping and go about her daily life with ease.
Over a cup of tea, we had a chat about how this works in her life and the benefits to incorporating daily cycling in your life. Kristi told me that they have been car free for over 5 years now, starting out with a manual cargo bike then making the switch to electric in 2020. The upgrade to their current Babboe gave the family more space as the kids grew.
With three children of 8, 5 and 1, you’d think it would be not an easy task to convince them all to get on the cargo rain or shine. Kristi showed me the optional hood that could be put on the Babboe which shields the kids from the rain.
I was very impressed when I saw how streamlined their school pick up was. Kristi elaborated about how this is the way of life they’ve always known and that the fresh air puts them in a good mood before and after school. Cycling rather than driving is also a reliable method of time keeping as you can easily bypass the traffic – which is definitely an issue many face in London.
Kristi also explained how commuting helps her add exercise into a busy lifestyle. She explained that this is her main source of exercise and helps her keep fit without her needing to think about it.
Whether you have a family, or carry lots of things wherever you go, E-Cargos allow you to get from A-B with ease. With a range of cargo bikes on our website, there’s something to suit everyone.