There are a lot of myths around cargo bikes, usually pedalled (pardon the pun!) by those that can't see past the windscreen of their van or those that simply don't know or want to know the benefits of a cargo bike or what they are for.
This is the second piece in a short series going some way to explain away those myths.
Intuitively I'd agree most people would think that vans are faster and cheaper delivering goods in urban environments because of their capacity and speed. We have never seen anything different either. When did you last see a commercial ecargo bike?
Times are changing though and the facts are in.
Vans simply get stuck in traffic. A lot. So they take longer not withstanding trying to park, emissions and traffic congestion they contribute too. On cost, speed is key and cargo bikes are proven to be faster. 60% faster when goods are delivered last-mile from city-centre hubs. The big carriers are beginning to wake up to this now and we're beginning to see private courier firms like Zedify flourish and the likes of DHL trialling cargo bike deliveries as customers want greener alternatives.
If you want to get ahead of your competition. An electric cargo bike could be the answer
Iwan Jones @ The Electric Bike Shop